Tuesday, 26 November 2019


To put it shortly, I don't think Aria of Vernal Tombs offers the same boldness and excitement as the debut. Most of the album is fixed on the same Medieval troubadour groove, the same use of mid-paced lead guitar, the same quasi-ambient vocals buried halfway into the mix. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. That album combined beautiful instrumental tracks with some expertly played black metal-esque tracks. They both have this nice smoky feel to them and conjure autumn imagery. If it's a step in the right direction for this band, it hasn't come without its setbacks. No stone has been left unturned in the expert craftmanship of Aria of Vernal Tombs, clearly defining the artistic growth the band has shown during the intervening years between albums. obsequiae aria of vernal tombs

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Obsequiae – Aria of Vernal Tombs Review

Beyond the song-writing advancements, Obsequaie have matured and solidified into a far more confident unit, even down to the smaller details such as song pacing and album sequencing. There are still instrumental tracks on this sophomore release as well, and those too feel more thought-out and narrative-like.

In addition to the music tombw, many of the song titles evoke the middle ages through language itself, veenal what I would guess to be a mixture of medieval ancestors of French, among other things. Obsequiae have become ensnared by their greatest strengths, and they've let those strengths dictate where their sound will go.

Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs - Reviews - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

The instrumental works just add to the aesthetic of the band that much more. Either of those would've preserved oc sacred Song-to-Idea Ratio which guarantees a listener's continued interest in your music throughout its duration. I don't find myself quite as enthralled as I was with Suspended in the Brume of Eos.

In truth, were it not for the harp segments, I could see Obsequiae 's metal traits growing too familiar sooner than they should. While I've tried to distance Obsequiae 's sound at least partly from what I already know of Medieval music, the arrangements here could easily be adapted to fit a bona verrnal chamber ensemble. In terms of sheer execution, I think this new lineup has harnessed the style with even greater precision.

Obsequiae 's style is too exact, specific and otherwise nichey for them to have any real competitors, so all that was left was to see where they would be going obswquiae.

Aria of Vernal Tombs - Wikipedia

The space seems to have instead been filled by the vocals, a monotonous but potent hoarse howl, full of air, like the death rattle of a corpse carried on the wind. The guitar tone on Aria of Vernal Tombs is one of the cleanest I've heard fuelling a metal album- let a lone a black metal album- and the purely consonant lilt to their melodies has an indisputably uplifting tone.

I dearly love that album, but sometimes it's good if you can have something that's a bit profound while also just being super pretty. NeillBirdJune 3rd, Written based on this version: Normally when bands carve out their guitars, they fill the space with bass, but the low end in Aria is quite unassuming.

It's not a matter of style here-- quite the opposite, in tojbs. Originally written for Heathen Harvest Periodical. This album is certainly unique, and nobody in their right mind would ever attempt to deny the band that descriptor.

obsequiae aria of vernal tombs

At long last, Obsequiae have delivered a followup to their debut full length "Suspended in the Brume of Eos". Unlike so many would-be folk-black metal projects, Obsequiae cannot possibly be distinguished from their extracurricular inspirations. Given the way the songwriting here is more homogeneously upbeat and groove-oriented than the debut, it was a stroke of brilliance to make breaks to highlighted the underrated half of their sound.

obsequiae aria of vernal tombs

The bass gombs feel somewhat thin, but still adds a wonderful layer to the music and helps the record maintain a groove all its own. ConorFynesSeptember 12th, Most of the album is fixed on the same Medieval troubadour groove, the same use of mid-paced lead guitar, the same quasi-ambient vocals buried halfway into the mix.

It's in the melody, the way the guitars bounce off each other. It's hard not to wax eloquently about the superb lyrics, wonderful musicianship, lush, verdant atmosphere, fantastic guitar tone etc that pervades this album- and far better writers have done so than me.

Fitting the overgrown greenery vibe that's throughout, everything is just stuffed full of the tojbs sounding notes these guys could think of. GuntherTheUndyingDecember 28th, Through Silver in Blood, obviously a masterpiece, very deep and meaningful, but I can't really think of many riffs that got me going beyond, what, the title track, locust star, maybe the cool end of Aeon? Despite the debut having a great many flaws length, lack of variation, production, etcit was still full of incredible moments and unique songwriting, and tonbs unfortunately flew under the radar of many.

However, these tendencies are not Obsequiae. Obsequiae don't have that going for vrrnal, so you're more easily reminded that the hundreds of harmonized licks that populate this album simply aren't very memorable.

Instead of bookending songs, having the interlude take place between two epic movements in a single track would be great. The well thought-out to,bs paced songwriting, the flow of the album from the heavier to the soft and back, and the utter brilliance of the closing track make Aria Of The Vernal Tomb an easy recommendation. That album combined beautiful instrumental tracks with some expertly played black metal-esque tracks.

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