Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Backup size growth for individual clients- Reporting. It also manages the target mode driver for the host bus adaptors. Future OpsCenter releases will not manage or generate historical reports for NetBackup 6. In addition to the features available in the unlicensed OpsCenter version, Analytics offers report customization, chargeback reporting and support for third-party data protection products as designated in the following table. SAN media servers cannot back up data that resides on other clients. symantec opscenter

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Nbu 7x Software Compatibilityl

It is divided into bookmarks on the left that can be expanded. OpsCenter drops connection to Masters. Support for this feature began in NetBackup 7. Can someone please opscentwr with a custom report to produce this capacity management report per NBU Domain? In some cases, the SRT creation works. Oracle Linux 5 GA through Update 4 opcenter supported.

The following capabilities are a part of this feature: The NetBackup holds management software is installed as part of a NetBackup 7. All supported Backup Exec platforms by Remote Agent. Client-side deduplication relies on two-way communication over the LAN with the media server. X Level AIX 7. The current patch versions of releases will work with NetBackup for the Operating Systems listed below unless otherwise noted. EXT4 file system is supported from NetBackup 7.

Should an issue arise on a revised kernel, Operating System, or virtual system environment, Symantec support may request the recreation of the problem with the standard operating environment distribution.

symantec opscenter

For exampletotal jobs. MP2 forward and forward and including 2.

Update 5 is supported and requires NetBackup 7. NetBackup supported functionality for each CPU Architecture bit or bit is listed in wymantec tables below. Once I get access I'll create a dedicated acount for th ereports to run. If a known problem exists on a specific service pack or patched OS level, this information is identified in the tables below.

Symantec Connect - OpsCenter - Discussions

Re-mapping to different disks is not supported. Since it is a part of the standard system components, backup and recovery of Active Directory is supported on all Windows server platforms which NetBackup supports as a client.

symantec opscenter

Total environment size is around TiB. X Level Linux 7.5.07. [1] x 64 Y 64 Y 7. Back-level support of 7. The backup and restore traffic occurs over a SAN.

(PDF) Netbackup Database agent compability | Sarwar Javaid -

Qualification is done with VxVM 5. The interface can run on any NetBackup Java-capable system. It is supported with back level NetBackup 6. The Backup, Archive, and Restore utility performs backups and archives for the system on which it is installed and restores for this system and other clients. I need a solution Hi. Future OpsCenter releases will not collect data from Backup Exec servers or generate reports based on Backup Exec data. Update 9 is supported and requires .75.0.7 7.

Should an issue arise on a revised kernel, operating system, or virtual system environment, Symantec support may request the recreation of the problem with the operating environment distribution. Starting in NetBackup 7. HFS compression is not supported when restoring files; data is opsventer in uncompressed format. I need a solution Hi Guys, please help.

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